– online Peer-to-Peer lending platform The article ends with a positive determination about the P2P lending industry. The author wrote: “I see refined underwriting algorithms and mailed borrower marketing, pleased investor capital and purpose-built subject field all repositioning itself over and over for the past eight years until they are arrive at the stable place they hold today. Even defaults hardly disturb your rate of return. If you choose not to diversify, you stand to lose most of your investments should a default occur. The average bank borrowing rate (unsecured) for SMEs in the UAE is over 18%, often much higher. Because investors compete for rates in a reverse auction process, business receive the lowest possible average rate from investors. BoT readies peer-to-peer lending service. The Bank of Thailand plans to set regulations for peer-to-peer (P2P) lending service by the year-end, widening opportunities for small-business operators to access financial sourc